This week has seen some interesting and varied request into the workshop from all parts of the globe. A beautiful replica of a Victorian Ledger to include an embossed family monogram and silver edge protectors. An exotic and rich in color North African foot ottoman in need of remodel and repair. We also sent a beautiful document case over seas to France a special customer order, (as seen in the picture).
Saturday we had the pleasure of hosting a Leather bowl workshop at Kelham Industrial Museum in Sheffield, each pop up workshop hosted 10 people at a time and lasted around 45 minutes, we are planning further dates in the summer. Heather Dewick 'heather the book binder' attended the workshop and it was great to be able to share knowledge and practices especially well timed for the Victorian Ledger.
Monday saw the Vernal Equinox, two moments in the year when sun is exactly above the equator and the day and night are of equal lengths, at last we welcome those longer days and warmer evenings. The Great Sphinx in Eygpt points towards the rising sun during this time and Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon in Vernal Equinox.